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Etiket: Zarobiddin Kosimi
Meeting of the Ambassador with the President of the...
Celebrating Tajikistan’s Independence Day in Cairohttps://t.co/Zk1Luv9CQp pic.twitter.com/CYSPQMFc5z — MFA...
Visit to the Arab Academy of Sciences, Technology and...
Visit to the Arab Academy of Sciences, Technology and...
Meeting of the Ambassador with the Grand Imam of...
Visit to the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Company – EIPICO https://t.co/fCNtyab0Lg...
Meeting of the Ambassador with the Minister of Water...
Ambassador’s participation at the briefing on the UN Water...
Visiting the enterprises of Damietta Governorate in Egypt https://t.co/yGEQDq5DlD...
Meeting with the Governor of Damietta Governoratehttps://t.co/Qevn2xL1l3 pic.twitter.com/vwOV7MbaGC —...