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Etiket: Tajikistan
Meeting with the Rector of the University of Economics and...
Türkiye Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi (TOBB ETÜ) Rektörü ile Görüşme...
Büyükelçinin Türkiye Başsavcılığı ile görüşmesi 09.06.2023 Öncesi Sonraki Meeting...
Meeting of the Ambassador with the Attorney General of Turkiye...
Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the FAO...
Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the Executive...
Meeting of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan...
Meeting of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with the...
Переговоры министров иностранных дел Таджикистана и России .2023 Previous Next...
Football tournament in Turkiye |https://t.co/8dNwmghbF0 pic.twitter.com/niOEsm6bje — MFA Tajikistan...
Встреча с Послом Китая в Таджикистане https://t.co/GUQP3ltMa0 pic.twitter.com/bMqNR3hjuZ —...
Meeting of the Deputy Minister with the Ambassador of the...
Forum on tourism opportunities of Tajikistan in Riyadh https://t.co/AhAMuTJnPG...
Барқияи шодбошӣ ба Президенти Ҷумҳурии Туркия Реҷеп Тайип Эрдоган https://t.co/kIG9oJzF6S...
Meeting of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with...
Боздид аз ҷараёни кишти такрории шолӣ ва ҷамъоварии пиёзи...
The regular meeting of the Group of Friends on...
Press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the...