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Etiket: Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti
Celebration of the Day of the President of...
Participation in the “One Planet-Polar Summit”https://t.co/P0vxqQ1xsf pic.twitter.com/QbGTVFkj7t —...
Participation in the Paris Peace Forumhttps://t.co/nKwJhmxmKi pic.twitter.com/byUsLb8i1V —...
Meeting with the Foreign Ministers of France...
Participation of the delegation of Tajikistan in the...
Telephone conversation between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of...
Боздид аз Боғи миллӣ https://t.co/CFMAlZ2Hj4 pic.twitter.com/nAhmUdDIU7 — Хадамоти матбуоти Президенти...
Мулоқот бо узви бюрои сиёсии Кумитаи Марказии Ҳизби...
Ба истифода додани Корхонаи нассоҷии ҶДММ «Арвис» дар...
Имрӯз дар шаҳри Душанбе 7 корхонаи калони саноатӣ...
Presentation of copies of Credentials of new Ambassadorshttps://t.co/pwc11RwJIi...
Meeting of Deputy Foreign Ministers of Central Asia...
Meeting of the Minister with the Deputy Minister...
Meeting of the Tajik-Iranian Political Committeehttps://t.co/JZs0W4TWSM pic.twitter.com/d7htMNaSOo —...
Заседание Коллегии Министерства иностранных делhttps://t.co/WJriGRiCAO pic.twitter.com/ZlwUmEJJo1 — МИД Таджикистана (@MID_Tajikistan)...
Meeting with the newly appointed Head of UNICEF...
Ceremony of the presentation of the Letter of Credencehttps://t.co/bToGo7j5iJ...
İran İslam Cumhuriyeti Savunma ve Silahlı Kuvvetleri Destek Bakanı Muhammed Rıza Aştiani ile görüşme
Мулоқот бо Вазири дифоъ ва пуштибонии Неруҳои мусаллаҳи Ҷумҳурии...