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Etiket: Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Political consultations between Tajikistan and Latviahttps://t.co/CJmNQTOsSd pic.twitter.com/6KwgBdpBI0 — MFA...
Meeting with the Foreign Ministers of France...
Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with...
Заседание Коллегии Министерства иностранных делhttps://t.co/WJriGRiCAO pic.twitter.com/ZlwUmEJJo1 — МИД Таджикистана (@MID_Tajikistan)...
Ceremony of the presentation of the Letter of Credencehttps://t.co/bToGo7j5iJ...
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of...
Participation of the Minister in the meeting of the...
Meeting with the Regional Director of the International...
Transnational Cultural Heritage of the Silk Roads inscribed...
Турнир по мини-футболу на Кубок Министра иностранных делhttps://t.co/h4yGUGbQam pic.twitter.com/I3IxiLEJVZ —...
Торжественная церемония гашения юбилейных марокhttps://t.co/jgdR5TLt52 pic.twitter.com/FgaqvoLnuS — МИД...
Встреча с Президентом Японского агентства международного сотрудничестваhttps://t.co/s8IxLYAuiV pic.twitter.com/C6DqdEQjdw —...
Presentation of credentials of the Ambassador of Tajikistan...
Presentation of copies of the Credentials of the...
Встреча с Заместителем министра внутренних дел Республики Казахстан...
Dışişleri Bakanı, görevinin tamamlanması münasebetiyle Almanya Büyükelçisini kabul etti. ...
Meeting with the Rector of the University of Economics and...
Türkiye Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi (TOBB ETÜ) Rektörü ile Görüşme...